Californians still get to claim a little difference and specialness because in addition to the ASWB clinical exam, they have to (get to!) take a California Law & Ethics exam in order to make it to licensure. Everyone else can tune out about now, but Californians, take note: The BBS has just published details about what the Law & Ethics exam will consist of in a handy eleven-page outline.
What's on there? The same law and ethics material, more or less, that appeared on the CA Standard Written exam. Only now, you'll be facing an exam that's wall-to-wall law and ethics. That means confidentiality, consent, mandated reporting, scope of practice, record keeping...all that stuff (and lots more). Take a look at the outline, take a breath, and get studying. You'll be through it before you know it.
Good luck, Californians. And again, welcome!