The Stages of Change and the Social Work Exam

4:40 AM
The Stages of Change are pretty likely to show up on the social work licensing exam. They're probably already turning up in your licensing exam prep. Where are you in your quest for licensure? Here are the Stages of Change applied to the exam-prep process.

--Precontemplation (Not ready for change): Not thinking about the social work exam. Can't be, you're reading this!

--Contemplation (Getting ready for change): Poking around the edges of exam prep, unsure. Could be you!

--Preparation (Ready for change; sometimes called "Determination"): Change is coming soon. Reading a blog or two, checking out different social work exam programs, etc.

--Action (Like it sounds): Underway studying, taking practice exams...on it.

--Maintenance (Sustained action): Continuing action as test day approaches. If that's you, congratulations! It's only a matter of time...

For more on the Stages of Change, here's some reading and listening.
 Good luck on progressing through your exam-prep stages and good luck on the exam!

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