Most Helpful Sites for Social Work Exam Prep

4:58 AM
We like to think of ourselves as the very most helpful site for social work licensing exam prep on the wide, wide world of web. But of course that's debatable. Over dozens of posts, we've linked out to some of our favorite places to visit to help social workers get ready for the big test. Here's a quick sampling for those who prefer not to have to click back through the archives:

The Social Work Podcast. Great collection of interviews and mini-lectures about a wide variety of social work topics, almost all of them potential exam fodder.

Social Work Today/Eye on Ethics. A big part of the exam is ethics vignettes. Here's a column that not only offers up exam-like vignettes, but explains them in detail.

The NASW Code of Ethics. This isn't really a site, it's an essential document. It's on the web for free. Read it again!

Social Work Test Prep/Free Practice Tests. A collection of links to free practice tests around the net, plus great practice exams on the site itself.

This is just the tip of the webby iceberg. Don't forget that almost all of your fact-based questions about social work and psych questions can be answered with a quick net search. Wikipedia,, AllPsych--they're all waiting with lots and lots of info. AllPsych and About also have free quizzes on psych topics, if you dig around a little.

Happy browsing. Happy exam prep. Happy exam passing!

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