Suicide and the Social Work Exam

2:27 AM
Suicide assessment, stats, and danger-to-self reporting are all likely to show up on the social work licensing exam--for good reason. A major role of the social work exam is consumer protection. How better to make sure that social workers are equipped to protect clients than by asking questions about handing suicide? The topic can also be unnerving. Being unnerved and still pushing through seems to be another essential element when aiming to pass the social work exam.

You're likely to have covered suicide from several angles while persuing your MSW, and then again in internship trainings, and still again when working with clients. Here are a few places to brush up on the essentials. Knowing your way around this topic can potentially help you through several questions on the exam. It can also help you be a better all-around social worker.
There's much more where these came from on the web. Good luck.

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